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Where Was I Going Painting by Jean Cormier

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Comments (13)

Nancy Shen

Nancy Shen

Very nice painting, Jean :)

Laurel Adams

Laurel Adams

CONGRATULATIONS on your THIRD PLACE WIN in the Sad Paintings Contest.

Chris PrintsProject

Chris PrintsProject

So very beautiful Jean! ❤ l/f

Chava Silverman

Chava Silverman

What a beautiful and moving work, Jean! I'm very moved and impressed by your work.

Lyric Lucas

Lyric Lucas

CONGRATULATIONS Jean! I have chosen this excellent unique and creative image to be "SHOWCASED" at the top of the Home Page in the "Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day" group! L/F 1/16/18 - 1/22/18 Your image touched me as my mother and all her siblings developed Alzheimer’s. It was very sad!

Jean Cormier replied:

Oh, wow, Lyric, thank you so is a horrible disease that robs the mind of all it is and was and could be. An artist friend of mine was stricken and didn't remember that she was an artist, much less how to draw or paint. My heart goes out to you. jean

Diane Marcotte

Diane Marcotte

I love your style Jean! You've captured the emotion perfectly.

Bonnie Mason

Bonnie Mason

I love your work, Loose but sensitive and intelligent. So glad to find you in the contest for last upload of 2017. LF and V

Jean Cormier replied:

THank you Bonnie, my last 2017 work was a bit sad! jean

Lois Bryan

Lois Bryan

Jean this is an exquisite, beautiful rendered and most vividly emotional work of art. What heart. What talent!!!! lf and t

Jean Cormier replied:

A huge thank you Lois! You are so kind!! jean

John Malone

John Malone

Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our homepage. Well done

Val Stokes

Val Stokes

This picture attracts me Jean. Firstly it tells a story --and secondly I like your interpretation a nd style of painting very much. You have captured the essence of this dear old lady.

Jean Cormier replied:

Thank you for your encouraging words-very uplifting,!Val! jean

Sarah Batalka

Sarah Batalka

Jean, you are in a class all your own and your work and creativity never disappoint! This is beautiful work and the image tells a story. It's charming yet there's a pinch of really makes you feel something. I love that. L/F

Jean Cormier replied:

Wow, Sara, you are just too sweet...But it is you who are in a class of your own-a top notch artist with superior drawing skills! And over the top presentation of the subjects in situations which usually make me smile and if not, it is a poignant scene! I am still searching for what I do best ! jean

Madalena Lobao-Tello

Madalena Lobao-Tello

My today feature and favorite on the group Women Painters - Hand paintings only. Shared on Women Painters on Facebook. Very well done!! Great work!

Jean Cormier replied:

As always, so appreciate you, Madalena! jean

Dave Farrow

Dave Farrow

Wow, what a well executed oil is so beautiful with a slight twinge of sorrow...This work of art certainly reflects "real life"....Jean dear, this masterpiece is a gold medal painting...sweet l.v.f.

Jean Cormier replied:

Thank you so much Dave, you are so kind! I aim to portray real life in much of my work! jean

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Where Was I Going by Jean Cormier
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