The Nightmares Seem More Real the Closer You Get to the Truth

by Jean Cormier
Original - Sold
Not Specified
18.000 x 24.000 x 2.000 inches
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The Nightmares Seem More Real the Closer You Get to the Truth
Jean Cormier
Painting - Oil Over Acrylic On Gallery Wrapped Canvasover
It is what it is...one in three will suffer abuse, the closer you come to the reality of it, it seems the nightmares are so vivid. The fear binds you, but the truth eventually sets you free. This is a highly textured painting, layers of oil paint over acrylic copy. This took 3rd place in the 2019 LAG open juried competition, Lakeland FL awards in Manatee art League competition and featured in a publication.
June 26th, 2017
Comments (9)

Jutta Maria Pusl
Awesome work, impressive!
Jean Cormier replied:
Thank you Jutta, this work has won awards and also used for a publication. Getting ready to head to another show shortly! jean

VIVA Anderson
Breaks my heart. Stunning , provocative, IMPORTANT, Art unique....kudos.......fv..VIVA